Video: Why do librarians need a master’s?

Great video by a SLIS student at Syracuse, Dan Enders. Thirty-second answer to “Why does one need a master’s degree to become a librarian?” is proposed at minute 2:20.

Enders addresses the question from a school media and teacher-librarian perspective. I’ve been interested in the question primarily in thinking about academic librarianship–my College and University Libraries class was framed entirely around the tensions in the field, and what types of degrees and knowledge one must have for certain positions was a running theme (if not controversy at times). The conversation must be an ongoing one, as each context brings its own challenges and needs. It’s great to see others address this issue in their own creative ways. I hope to stumble upon more of these points.

Note: Some of the links at the end of the video weren’t live at the time of this posting. I’m hoping Enders builds a public side to his blog so we LIS bloggers can have another member in our community.

Shoutout to @pumpedlibrarian for sharing video on Twitter.

Edit: The Blogger link at the end of the video might be down because of a Google mishap. Don’t have enough information to be certain yet.

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Posted in digital media, libraries

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