Blog Archives

Motivation Monday: On Procrastination

You know you want what comes at the end, so you must also want what comes at the beginning.

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Lovecraft's Librarian: Preventing the World's Annihilation

I will now look at librarians as if each of them had the courage to investigate and prevent the “hellish advance in the black dominion of [an] ancient and once passive nightmare.”

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What running did for my resolutions

Anyone would ask me what my New Year’s resolutions was over the last few years would receive a very noncommittal and sarcastic response. It wasn’t my thing to think up grand visions of the person I thought I should be.

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Information Professionals as People: The Neutrality Question

On this beautiful “fall back” morning, I awoke at 6:30 a.m. (cell phone time) to a story on NPR about recent ways we’re seeing the objectivity of journalists challenged. The story, called Journalists as People and produced by WNYC’s On the

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Posted in libraries

Professional Ties: Editing and Librarianship

At the Iowa Library Association conference a few weeks ago, I ran into a colleague I went to journalism school with. She and I took a class on international media systems and traveled to Canada with our professor to study

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Video: Library School: Hurts So Good

New video using, which allows users to have their text acted out by animated avatars. This one pits the overly optimistic library student wannabe against the pessimistic dream-smasher. I believe a line I wrote in a paper was paraphrased

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Posted in digital media, libraries

Video: The Most Interesting Librarian in the World

Video made by Syracuse students using concepts and librarian stereotypes discussed in the typical Library and Information Science program.

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Posted in digital media, libraries

Social Media Policies for Professionals

Having successfully navigated through the first two months of my graduate program, I’m painfully aware of the culture clashes among my various worlds. I could act one way while in college, another way in the workplace, and a radically different

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Adventures in Online XML Learning

Okay. This post is dedicated to two things: my venturing into writing XML schemas and my observations on the online learning experience. The Course The first one is pretty straightforward. I’m in grad school studying library and information science, digital

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Literacy Autobiographies

It never occurred to me until yesterday that there might be something called a “literacy autobiography.” I was sitting in class, reflecting on the most-commented online discussion topic for the class that day, and thinking that several of us Library

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